Bitlight Labs Blog
Setup local development environment for bitcoin regtest

Setup local development environment for bitcoin regtest


A ready-to-use Bitcoin regtest environment required for testing the open-source RGB project by BitLight, featuring:

  • Deep integration of the Esplora UI browser built into version v0.11
  • A descriptor address generation tool required for the RGB CLI
  • A Bitcoin wallet faucet tool


Getting Started

  1. Close repo bitlightlabs/bitlight-local-env-public (opens in a new tab)
  2. check the .env file and change the values if needed
  3. Run make start or make up to start the development environment
  4. Run curl localhost:3002 to see the Esplora API running
  5. Run make test to run the tests
  6. Open the http://localhost:5002 in your browser to see the Esplora UI
$ curl -s localhost:3002/mempool | jq
  "count": 0,
  "vsize": 0,
  "total_fee": 0,
  "fee_histogram": []

For more information about the Esplora API, check the Esplora API documentation (opens in a new tab)


  • make start - Start the development environment with full logs

  • make up - Start the development environment

  • make down - Stop the development environment

  • make restart - Restart the development environment

  • make clean - Remove all the containers and volumes

  • make recreate - Recreate the development environment

  • make logs - Show the logs of the development environment

  • make full-logs - Show the logs of the development environment with full logs

  • make cli or make core-cli - Run a bash shell inside the bitcoin-core container

  • make alice-cli - Run a bkd-cli repl inside the Alice Wallet container

  • make bob-cli - Run a bkd-cli repl inside the Bob Wallet container

  • make up-lnd - Start the LND containers: Alice, Bob

  • make down-lnd - Stop the LND containers

For manual run tests:

  • make activate - Get environment variables and activate them

Other commands are available, check the Makefile for more information

CLI Commands

Run make cli to enter the bitcoin-core container. The following commands are available:

Custom commands

In the bitcoin-core container, the following commands are available (they are just bash scripts in the docker/bitcoin/cli/bin folder):

  • load_wallet - Load the default minter wallet and show address and balance
  • mint <blocks_number> - Mint <blocks_number> blocks to the default wallet
  • send <address> <amount> - Send <amount> to <address> from the default wallet

The default wallet is wallet, and used for minting and sending BTC. You can create your own commands by adding a new bash script in the docker/bitcoin/cli/bin folder


In Example, we have two wallets: Alice and Bob. You can use the following commands to interact with the wallets:

  • make alice-cli - Run a bkd-cli repl inside the Alice Wallet container
  • make bob-cli - Run a bkd-cli repl inside the Bob Wallet container

If you want to add new wallets,

  1. you can refer to the docker-compose.yml file and add a new wallet service with service name wallet-<wallet_name>.
  2. run make up to start the new wallet.
  3. run make wallet-<wallet_name>-cli to enter the new wallet container.


Create A new wallet Alice and send 25 BTC to Alice's address

Run make alice-cli to enter the Alice Wallet container and chose the descriptor to start the REPL.

Please choose a descriptor to start the REPL:
 - (9) RGB Descriptor 9/*: tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeHzjP5LTL818LxwHbJNLZRa98Qdnn7M98fW15365cB1Sz9QZvYufASRKH6JEPhfpxVuFTKMHxDcEAVboqKuZdMmxzKVhMnW/86'/1'/0'/9/*)
 - (90) RGB Descriptor 9/0: tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeHzjP5LTL818LxwHbJNLZRa98Qdnn7M98fW15365cB1Sz9QZvYufASRKH6JEPhfpxVuFTKMHxDcEAVboqKuZdMmxzKVhMnW/86'/1'/0'/9/0)
 - (00) Bitcoin Descriptor 0/0: tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeHzjP5LTL818LxwHbJNLZRa98Qdnn7M98fW15365cB1Sz9QZvYufASRKH6JEPhfpxVuFTKMHxDcEAVboqKuZdMmxzKVhMnW/86'/1'/0'/0/0)
 - (*) quit
Enter your choice: 9 <== choose 9 for RGB Descriptor 9/*

Now, you can use the wallet object to interact with the wallet, for example:

wallet sync
wallet get_balance
wallet list_unspent
wallet get_new_address

The output should be similar to the following:

$ make alice-cli
docker-compose -p bitlight-local-env exec -it  wallet-alice / repl
Starting wallet...
Wallet Name: alice
Network             :  regtest
Wallet Name         :  alice
Fingerprint         :  5183a8d8
Root XPRV           :  tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeHzjP5LTL818LxwHbJNLZRa98Qdnn7M98fW15365cB1Sz9QZvYufASRKH6JEPhfpxVuFTKMHxDcEAVboqKuZdMmxzKVhMnW
XPUB                :  [5183a8d8/86'/1'/0']tpubDDtdVYn7LWnWNUXADgoLGu48aLH4dZ17hYfRfV9rjB7QQK3BrphnrSV6pGAeyfyiAM7DmXPJgRzGoBdwWvRoFdJoMVpWfmM9FCk8ojVhbMS/*
Fixed XPUB          :  [5183a8d8/86'/1'/0']tpubDDtdVYn7LWnWNUXADgoLGu48aLH4dZ17hYfRfV9rjB7QQK3BrphnrSV6pGAeyfyiAM7DmXPJgRzGoBdwWvRoFdJoMVpWfmM9FCk8ojVhbMS/<0;1;9;10>/*
RGB Descriptor 9/0  :  tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeHzjP5LTL818LxwHbJNLZRa98Qdnn7M98fW15365cB1Sz9QZvYufASRKH6JEPhfpxVuFTKMHxDcEAVboqKuZdMmxzKVhMnW/86'/1'/0'/9/0)
RGB Address         :  bcrt1pr3rupmav8a7av7dqfyvynu2wk02lduggnh9ln4ndze9aqvuv9y3sklwrss
RGB Descriptor 9/*  :  tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeHzjP5LTL818LxwHbJNLZRa98Qdnn7M98fW15365cB1Sz9QZvYufASRKH6JEPhfpxVuFTKMHxDcEAVboqKuZdMmxzKVhMnW/86'/1'/0'/9/*)
Bitcoin Descriptor 0/0:  tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeHzjP5LTL818LxwHbJNLZRa98Qdnn7M98fW15365cB1Sz9QZvYufASRKH6JEPhfpxVuFTKMHxDcEAVboqKuZdMmxzKVhMnW/86'/1'/0'/0/0)
Bitcoin Address     :  bcrt1pn0s2pajhsw38fnpgcj79w3kr3c0r89y3xyekjt8qaudje70g4shs20nwfx
Balance             :  0
Wallet is ready
Please choose a descriptor to start the REPL:
 - (9) RGB Descriptor 9/*: tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeHzjP5LTL818LxwHbJNLZRa98Qdnn7M98fW15365cB1Sz9QZvYufASRKH6JEPhfpxVuFTKMHxDcEAVboqKuZdMmxzKVhMnW/86'/1'/0'/9/*)
 - (90) RGB Descriptor 9/0: tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeHzjP5LTL818LxwHbJNLZRa98Qdnn7M98fW15365cB1Sz9QZvYufASRKH6JEPhfpxVuFTKMHxDcEAVboqKuZdMmxzKVhMnW/86'/1'/0'/9/0)
 - (00) Bitcoin Descriptor 0/0: tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeHzjP5LTL818LxwHbJNLZRa98Qdnn7M98fW15365cB1Sz9QZvYufASRKH6JEPhfpxVuFTKMHxDcEAVboqKuZdMmxzKVhMnW/86'/1'/0'/0/0)
 - (*) quit
Enter your choice: 9
Starting REPL with descriptor tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeHzjP5LTL818LxwHbJNLZRa98Qdnn7M98fW15365cB1Sz9QZvYufASRKH6JEPhfpxVuFTKMHxDcEAVboqKuZdMmxzKVhMnW/86'/1'/0'/9/*)
use 'wallet' to interact with the wallet of alice
use 'help' to see available commands
Available commands:
  wallet sync
  wallet get_balance
  wallet get_new_address
  wallet list_unspent
Press Ctrl+D to exit

In the output, you can see the base information about the wallet, such as the XPUB, RGB Address, and Balance. Now you can use the wallet object to interact with the wallet, for example:

>> wallet sync
>> wallet get_balance
  "satoshi": {
    "confirmed": 0,
    "immature": 0,
    "trusted_pending": 0,
    "untrusted_pending": 0
>> wallet list_unspent
>> wallet get_new_address
  "address": "bcrt1pr3rupmav8a7av7dqfyvynu2wk02lduggnh9ln4ndze9aqvuv9y3sklwrss"   <== Alice's address used to receive BTC

Remember the address bcrt1pr3rupmav8a7av7dqfyvynu2wk02lduggnh9ln4ndze9aqvuv9y3sklwrss for the next step. Now, let's send 25 BTC to Alice's address.

Open a new terminal and run make core-cli to enter the bitcoin-core container, and run following commands:

send bcrt1pr3rupmav8a7av7dqfyvynu2wk02lduggnh9ln4ndze9aqvuv9y3sklwrss 25
mint 1

The output should be similar to the following:

$ make core-cli
docker-compose -p bitlight-local-env exec -it -w /cli bitcoin-core /cli/
/cli $ load_wallet
load wallet's address: bcrt1qv6428v9lzk9ac5aswp4hlaf773r48824stfvx9 with balance: 50.00000000
/cli $ send bcrt1pr3rupmav8a7av7dqfyvynu2wk02lduggnh9ln4ndze9aqvuv9y3sklwrss 25
load wallet's address: bcrt1qx4mwpxpw0d8prsrw4fg8q2s94au6s2qk5dwc9g with balance: 50.00000000
Sent 25 to bcrt1pr3rupmav8a7av7dqfyvynu2wk02lduggnh9ln4ndze9aqvuv9y3sklwrss
/cli $ mint 1
load wallet's address: bcrt1q2rtzrwrlpjnknsct2re3ez595wx2c9ezmspacl with balance: 24.99996940
/cli $

Now, open http://localhost:5002/tx/recent in your browser, you should see the transaction with 25 BTC sent to Alice's address, open it, and you will see the transaction details.


Now, let's check the balance of Alice's wallet by running make alice-cli or go back to the previous terminal, and run the following commands:

wallet sync
wallet get_balance
wallet list_unspent

The output should be similar to the following:

$ make alice-cli
docker-compose -p bitlight-local-env exec -it  wallet-alice / repl
Starting wallet...
Wallet Name: alice
Network             :  regtest
Wallet Name         :  alice
Fingerprint         :  5183a8d8
Root XPRV           :  tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeHzjP5LTL818LxwHbJNLZRa98Qdnn7M98fW15365cB1Sz9QZvYufASRKH6JEPhfpxVuFTKMHxDcEAVboqKuZdMmxzKVhMnW
XPUB                :  [5183a8d8/86'/1'/0']tpubDDtdVYn7LWnWNUXADgoLGu48aLH4dZ17hYfRfV9rjB7QQK3BrphnrSV6pGAeyfyiAM7DmXPJgRzGoBdwWvRoFdJoMVpWfmM9FCk8ojVhbMS/*
Fixed XPUB          :  [5183a8d8/86'/1'/0']tpubDDtdVYn7LWnWNUXADgoLGu48aLH4dZ17hYfRfV9rjB7QQK3BrphnrSV6pGAeyfyiAM7DmXPJgRzGoBdwWvRoFdJoMVpWfmM9FCk8ojVhbMS/<0;1;9;10>/*
RGB Descriptor 9/0  :  tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeHzjP5LTL818LxwHbJNLZRa98Qdnn7M98fW15365cB1Sz9QZvYufASRKH6JEPhfpxVuFTKMHxDcEAVboqKuZdMmxzKVhMnW/86'/1'/0'/9/0)
RGB Address         :  bcrt1pr3rupmav8a7av7dqfyvynu2wk02lduggnh9ln4ndze9aqvuv9y3sklwrss
RGB Descriptor 9/*  :  tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeHzjP5LTL818LxwHbJNLZRa98Qdnn7M98fW15365cB1Sz9QZvYufASRKH6JEPhfpxVuFTKMHxDcEAVboqKuZdMmxzKVhMnW/86'/1'/0'/9/*)
Bitcoin Descriptor 0/0:  tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeHzjP5LTL818LxwHbJNLZRa98Qdnn7M98fW15365cB1Sz9QZvYufASRKH6JEPhfpxVuFTKMHxDcEAVboqKuZdMmxzKVhMnW/86'/1'/0'/0/0)
Bitcoin Address     :  bcrt1pn0s2pajhsw38fnpgcj79w3kr3c0r89y3xyekjt8qaudje70g4shs20nwfx
Balance             :  2500000000
Wallet is ready
Please choose a descriptor to start the REPL:
 - (9) RGB Descriptor 9/*: tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeHzjP5LTL818LxwHbJNLZRa98Qdnn7M98fW15365cB1Sz9QZvYufASRKH6JEPhfpxVuFTKMHxDcEAVboqKuZdMmxzKVhMnW/86'/1'/0'/9/*)
 - (90) RGB Descriptor 9/0: tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeHzjP5LTL818LxwHbJNLZRa98Qdnn7M98fW15365cB1Sz9QZvYufASRKH6JEPhfpxVuFTKMHxDcEAVboqKuZdMmxzKVhMnW/86'/1'/0'/9/0)
 - (00) Bitcoin Descriptor 0/0: tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeHzjP5LTL818LxwHbJNLZRa98Qdnn7M98fW15365cB1Sz9QZvYufASRKH6JEPhfpxVuFTKMHxDcEAVboqKuZdMmxzKVhMnW/86'/1'/0'/0/0)
 - (*) quit
Enter your choice: 9  <== choose 9 for RGB Descriptor 9/*
Starting REPL with descriptor tr(tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPeHzjP5LTL818LxwHbJNLZRa98Qdnn7M98fW15365cB1Sz9QZvYufASRKH6JEPhfpxVuFTKMHxDcEAVboqKuZdMmxzKVhMnW/86'/1'/0'/9/*)
use 'wallet' to interact with the wallet of alice
use 'help' to see available commands
Available commands:
  wallet sync
  wallet get_balance
  wallet get_new_address
  wallet list_unspent
Press Ctrl+D to exit
>> wallet sync
>> wallet get_balance
  "satoshi": {
    "confirmed": 2500000000,
    "immature": 0,
    "trusted_pending": 0,
    "untrusted_pending": 0
>> wallet list_unspent
    "is_spent": false,
    "keychain": "External",
    "outpoint": "9b2eca8ba85f2e11e97c820bfc5990a20387812f313cea6e8889c309ed8bff45:1",
    "txout": {
      "script_pubkey": "51201c47c0efac3f7dd679a0491849f14eb3d5f6f1089dcbf9d66d164bd0338c2923",
      "value": 2500000000

Now, you can see the balance of Alice's wallet is 25 BTC, and the transaction is confirmed.

Bitcoin Core commands

  • bitcoin-cli -regtest getblockchaininfo - Get the blockchain information
  • bitcoin-cli -regtest getnewaddress - Get a new address
  • bitcoin-cli -regtest generatetoaddress 101 <address> - Generate 101 blocks to the address
  • bitcoin-cli -regtest getbalance - Get the balance of the wallet

There are more commands available. Run bitcoin-cli help to see all the available commands.


The configuration is done via the .env file. The following variables are available:

  • API_PORT - The port for the Esplora API
  • RPC_USER - The username for the RPC server
  • RPC_PASSWORD - The password for the RPC server